Idol Marketplace

Official marketplace

At launch, the Idol Marketplace will be the only official marketplace where Idol NFTs are traded. The Idol Marketplace provides the following benefits to the protocol:

  • Decentralized, Open, Immutable place to trade Idol NFTs

    • Regardless of how other NFT marketplaces may evolve, Idol NFTs will have no "exchange failure" risk.

  • No third-party external market fees

  • 100% of commissions are paid to the community with no additional external market fees

  • Consolidated source of liquidity

    • We expect the Idol Marketplace to always remain the most liquid source of trading for Idol NFTs

  • Ensures that $VIRTUE stakers receive all commissions due

    • $VIRTUE stakers are important members of the ecosystem as post The Offering, the Bonding Curve is the only avenue for new stETH to enter the protocol.

Last updated